Priming for Success: Step 6 - Eating for Optimum Health

Welcome to the sixth step that will prime you to set out on your own exciting and successful health and fitness journey.



There are certain foods that possess unique benefits.  Eat more of these to kick start priming your body for success! 

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Your Prime for Success step for this week is to include something from each category in your meals for this week:

1.     Cold Water Fish


A good source of protein and omega 3

2.     Lean Red Meat

It has an excellent protein profile and is a rich source of many nutrients that help you towards your goal.

3.     Low Fat, Protein-Rich Dairy Foods

A high intake of diary-based calcium actually helps the body to shed fat.

4.     Eggs 

Free range whole eggs contain a spectrum of nutrients conveniently packaged.  Add egg whites (available in cartons) for a convenient dose of nature’s pure protein containing zero carbohydrates and fats. 


5.     Cruciferous Vegetables

This wide range group of vegetables contain unique elements essential to achieving optimum health.  Broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and Brussels sprouts are the most common and you couldn’t eat too many of them.

6.     Green, Red and Yellow Foods

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Each bring a wide variety of benefits from unlocking energy, cleansing the gut, enhancing cognitive processes and protecting against cancer

7.     Blueberries 

For a long-lived, disease free life, blueberries should be a staple food in your diet.  It has research-proven benefits to brain function and protects against cognitive deterioration.

8.     Legumes


Legumes (peas, beans, lentils, soybeans, chickpeas) contain a wide variety of vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that optimise health.  Their all important fibre regulates blood sugar levels that provides the right environment for fat loss and muscle growth!

9.     Premium Grains 

Premium grains are packed with good nutrition. Rye, barley, oats, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth & buckwheat are more in tune with our biochemistry that wheat-based products.  Try to avoid the more refined versions and go for whole grains.

10.  Flaxseeds (Linseed) Oil & Meal


Apart from an excellent source of Omega-3 fats, flaxseeds contain anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-cancer properties. 

11.  Olive Oil

Olive oil and a number of health-promoting properties.  It’s lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol profiles and promotes efficient fat metabolism. But to maximise the benefits make sure it’s virgin or extra virgin olive oil.

12.  Green Tea Extract

Green tea contains unique, powerful anti-cancer properties.

13.  The RDCs – Red wine, Dark chocolate and Coffee

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And saving the best for last – each of these contain unique properties that promote better health and possible more efficient fat loss!  But for these, moderation is the key to success.  These foods can improve your health but if you can’t trust yourself with them, it might be best to skip them altogether!


Great work! You have just taken another important step towards priming yourself for a successful transformation!


I look forward to catching up with you soon!


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