Priming for Success: Step 5 - Eat Rainbows!

Welcome to the fifth step that will prime you to set out on your own successful health and fitness journey.




You are sitting down for breakfast, for lunch … for dinner. When you look at your meal, do you see vibrant colour and texture?  Increasing variety & colour on your plate, not only improves your nutrition presentation & general health, it has the potential to burn fat, sustain energy & slow the ageing process.  An easy way to increase the colour of your meals is to ‘Dine by Colour’:

Your Prime for Success step for this week is to include a fruit or vegetable from each colour group in your meals … eat RAINBOWS! 

Red Group

Eating from the red group helps strengthen & prevent disease in the heart and lung 


Sources: All types of tomatoes, peppers, pink grapefruit, watermelon

Red/Purple Group

Eating from this group protects the arteries and heart. They also improve cognitive processes and memory capacity as well as providing a protective effect on brain cells against oxidative stress.


Sources: Berries, pomegranates, blueberries, prunes, cherries, red cabbage, plums, red grapes, red apples


Orange Group

The orange group, protects against cancer and maintain eye health

Sources:Apricots, carrots, acorn, mangoes, butternut squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe and yams



Orange/yellow Group

The orange/yellow group optimises cardiovascular health

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Sources:  Clementines, pineapple, mandarin, orange, nectarines, papaya, tangerines, peaches, tangelos


Yellow/green Group

The yellow/green group may help prevent age-related macular degeneration. 


Sources:  Kiwi fruit, green & yellow peppers, spinach, green beans, kale, yellow corn


Green Group

The green group speeds the action of enzymes that break down carcinogens

Sources:  Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, bok choy, kale


White/green Group

Plants in this group contain anti-tumour and cancer-preventative compounds


Sources: Asparagus, mushrooms, celery, onions, chives, pears, garlic, scallion, leeks


Well done! You have just taken another important step towards priming yourself for a successful transformation!   

I look forward to catching up with you soon!



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