
'Consistency & patience are key to long-term results'

'I've been training with Ro for over a year.  Ro has taught me about nutrition, the importance of strength training as we age, but also that consistency and patience are key to long-term results.  I am now stronger and fitter in my late 40s than I was in my 20s.  

The environment Ro has created is one of encouragement yet nurturing and it's great to be part of a like-minded community.'




David bought this once favourite shirt 12 years ago but for most of the intervening years he had put on too much weight to wear it.  He recently told me that it was only after he had been training with me that he was able to fit into it again.  But David's life has changed in more ways that just being able to fit into his shirt again ... he feels healthier, stronger and has more energy.  But what is almost more important to David, who has a very demanding work schedule and in the past has found it difficult to consistently maintain an exercise programme, is that he need only train 2 hours a week to achieve and maintain these changes.

 'Training with Ro has changed my life.' 



'It felt pretty amazing when I bought my first size 10 dress ...'

'I started training with Deliciously Lean because I needed to improve my strength after an operation but I knew I couldn't do it on my own.

Ro's programme for me is really great.  I am a single parent and a business owner and I love it that I only need to train twice a week.  Ro is also helping me to eat better and how to eat to get the best results from my training.   After just 18 weeks I am not only stronger but I also feel better, look better and I have lost weight.  Losing weight wasn't my first priority, but I must admit, it felt pretty amazing when I recently bought my first size 10 dress ever.

Thank you Ro, I know I have a bit more work to do, but I couldn't have got to where I am without your help and expert guidance.'
