Welcome to the second step that will prime you to set out on your own exciting and successful health and fitness journey!
You are tired of the old you, the extra kilos, the clothes that don’t fit anymore, the lack of energy, the lost confidence, of just feeling … old and invisible. So, you’ve made the decision to change - that is so awesome! You learnt in the previous email what to eat and that’s a great start.
But to achieve real change, real transformation, it’s often not as simple as deciding to change the way we eat. To do that, we have to overcome a host of physiological and psychological issues. So, to give ourselves the best possible chance of success, it really helps to create as positive environment as possible. This is most likely going to be your home, and in particular, your kitchen.
The kitchen is the centre of your success! How it is set up is likely to make or break your ability to stick to your decision to change.
Your Prime for Success step for this week is to:
1. Purge the refrigerator
You learnt how to eat in task number 1. Now look inside your fridge … really look, all the way to the back and in the door. What doesn’t fit into those 3 categories we looked at in your first Step to Priming yourself for Success? You got it! Throw away the processed meats, the juices and sugary soft drinks, the calorie-filled dressings, the sauces and condiments (sour cream, mayonnaise, tomato sauce, peanut butter, jam). Get rid of the mysteries left growing in the back corner of the vegetable crisper.
Check out the freezer and get rid of the calorie bombs such as ice cream, frozen desserts and pies that are lying in wait to blow a big hole in the road to your goal. Sure, its okay to enjoy these things as a treat, but if you don’t trust yourself, preventing easy access is the key to success.
2. Pillage the pantry
Now, scrutinise the pantry in the same way. Look at what’s in there … go on, look all the way in! See all those packets of crackers, cookies, chips, breakfast cereals, bottle of jars of sauces, jams and weird stuff you were given for Christmas years ago and all the other fat laden junk? They are all going to go. Tell yourself you love your family and that in the end that they will love you too and get rid of it all.
3. Replace the contents of both
First, relax. You are doing the right thing. You are giving yourself (and your kids, your partner or spouse) the best possible chance of good health, not just now, but into the future. Now make your shopping list and go shopping.
Here is a sample list to start you off.
Lean meats
Cold water fish eg. Salmon, tuna both canned and fresh
Low-fat dairy (cottage cheese, yogurt and milk)
Whole eggs and egg whites
Three types of green veggies eg. Kale , spinach, green peppers, parsley
At least one cruciferous vegetable eg. Broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower
Fresh fruits
Frozen fruits – berries, mango
Three types of legumes eg. Chickpeas, lentils, kidney beans, green beans
Sweet potato
Grains (oats, brown rice, quinoa)
Extra-virgin olive oil
Crushed flaxseeds (flaxmeal)
Flax oil (keep refrigerated)
Whey protein isolate powder
A green tea supplement
A omega 3 supplement (e.g. good quality fish oil capsules)
Well done! You have just taken another important step to prime yourself for a successful transformation!
I look forward to catching up with you soon.